Yoga Videos


70 Minute Zoom Class (3.21.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

We'll warm up the body slowly, then break a sweat with a core, glute and hip strengthening & stretch class. Cool down with stretches for the whole body and a guided meditation.

60 Minute Zoom Class (3.25.20)_Stretch and Meditate Yoga

Indulge in a gentle cooling practice with Yin Nidra. Slow down your mind with this stretch and meditation class. We start with 30 minutes of Yin inspired stretching and close out class with 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra meditation. All levels welcome.

70 Minute Zoom Class (3.28.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

We warm up the body slowly and focus on alignment. Then we go deeper with core work and incorporate binds and intermediate arm balances into our flow. This class focuses on opening up hamstrings and inner thighs. We'll cool practice down with a brief guided meditation.

70 Minute Zoom Class (4.18.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Start slow with deep hip, glute and shoulder openings. We build heat with twists and lunges and cool down with reclining stretches. Close out class with a brief guided meditation and breathing practice.

65 Minute Zoom Class (5.2.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Kick off with deep core work, and transition into a hip-opening slow flow. We'll workshop side crow and cool down with deep lower body stretches. Close class with a meditative sankalpa- intention setting.

70 Minute Zoom Class (5.16.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Unlock your glutes with a yoga flow that strgenthens and stretches hips and glutes. Workshop flying pigeon and cool down for a well-deserved rest.

70 Minute Zoom Class (5.30.20)_Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Open up shoulders and your heart space with a Virtual Vinyasa Flow. Extra opening for glutes and hips is offered with a calming and closing meditation dedicated to Grace and Love.

18 Minute Zoom Class_Yin & Slow Flow

Release Tech Neck and shoulders with this yin-inspired mini flow. Just 18 minutes to reset and stretch away the stress of the week.